SHOW APPROVED SNACKS- This is NEW. We are allowing actors to bring APPROVED SNACKS on show nights.
Goldfish, Pretzels, Fruit Snacks, Crackers. (Nothing greasy, chocolatey, cheesy, etc.) Many costumes are rented!
WATER ONLY for Tech Rehearsals & Performances.

What Does READY TO GO mean?

“Ready to Go” means actors are in costume, hair, makeup and ready to perform! If your actor takes 15 minutes to get ready, arrive 15 minutes before “Ready to Go” time, and if your actor takes an hour to get ready, arrive an hour before, etc. If your actor requires a mic for the show (they will know) they will need to arrive early and be Ready to Go and in mics by 5:15pm. Approved Snacks for Intermission on Show Nights- Goldfish, Pretzels, Fruit Snacks, Crackers. (Nothing greasy, chocolatey, cheesy, etc.) WATER ONLY for Tech Rehearsals & Performances.

Costumes-Michelle DiDomenico- Costumer You can text Michelle with costume questions- 480-229-9197
New Parent Liasion- Supranee Lucas
- New Parent Support navigating your first show! You can text Supranee with all questions- 602-615-1096
Production Coordinator- Ginny Temple-
you can text Ginny during rehearsals (we collect actor phones), if you are running late, ticket questions, etc. (anything is ok) 480-452-3161